Your Contribution Makes a Difference!
There is no getting around the fact that campaigns cost money. Your contribution helps ensure that we can get our message out to as many voters as possible to help elect Democrats at every level, in every town and city in Passaic County. THANK YOU for your support!
Please Make Checks Payable To and Mail To:
Passaic County Democratic Committee
P.O. Box 568, Woodland Park, NJ 07424
For additional information please contact Rita Pascrell at:
(973) 279-4647 or
Contribution rules:
Maximum Contribution - $5,500 per Individual or Corporation. $200 maximum cash contribution. Please contact us for limits on other entities such as candidate committee, labor organizations, etc.
Incorporated businesses (INC) do not require an individual attribution.
Non-Incorporated businesses such as LLC, LP, SP, etc., must be attributed to one or more partner, and individual limits apply.
Contributions of more than $200 are publicly disclosed in accordance with NJ ELEC rules.
Contributor affirms that:
1) I am a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
2) I am at least 18 years old.
3) This contribution is made with my own credit/debit card.
4) This contribution is made from my own funds, and not provided by another person or entity.